
Notepad. A word that evokes emotions of speed and minimalism. Right? Jot is an upcoming text editor designed for Windows 11 that is still like that, but just a little more. A tiny little bit. That increases its utility by a lot.

When I've been using Linux distros, I've always loved that they came with very nimble text editors that yet had quite astonishing feature sets, complete with syntax highlighting and code editing features. Some can even be called lightweight IDE's!

Windows, alas, has no such thing built-in. It's all or (almost) nothing. A bulky Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code... or Notepad. Or maybe you go download Notepad++. A text editor that wants to be a lot and hasn't quite decided what it wants to be other than that. Just a lot of... it.

Jot is a new, upcoming text editor with a small, opinionated feature set. When the application is feature complete, nothing else will be added other than bug fixes. Discipline will be important here to not become Notepad++ or UltraEdit. And launch really fast, like Notepad.

The planned features are:

It will of course be free (as in libre and beer!), and it will fully support the fresh, new Windows 11 interface through WinUI 3. I haven't planned much for Linux because you guys already have Gedit and Kate.
